Student Rules and Expectations

Our Positive Behavior System

Our Expectations for Students and Staff

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

Be a Positive Problem Solver


Social Matrix (What do our rules look like in school?)

JIEC SOCIAL MATRIX FOR STUDENT EXPECTATIONS (used for establishing points on cards and citizenship grades):

BEHAVIOR PLAN:  Appropriate behavior is rewarded and graded through students earning points in a leveled card system.  The system is described below:

Teacher Point Card Guide

Key Concepts:

1. Points are earned, not lost.  They have 0 to start in every category and will be awarded when students are successful.

2. Points will be averaged and recorded on a daily and weekly basis by the IAs (based on students’ calculations) assigned to each deck.

3. Card point averages will be used as part of grade for 1st Period Leadership class.

4. Card points will be used for Deck Points.

5. During Assembly and Activity times, decks can earn extra points.

Card Levels:

All students begin at Ruby (Red) Level, except those who were on Tiger Eye (Gold) card when the year ended last year.

Each card color now has a Point Designation Level, which is identified by average percentage points earned.


1. Tiger Eye (Gold) – maintained by students maintaining 80% point average AND every class is always above 70%.  Point Designation Level = above 80%.  Students earning below an 80% average for the week will drop to point designated level.

2. Pearl (Grey) – maintained by students earning at least 70% AND every class is above 60%; Promotion to Tiger Eye (gold) requires student to have an end of week average of 80% with every class at or above 70%.  If any class dips below 70%, promotion will need to take place the next week if requirements are met.  Students earning below 70% average for the week will drop to point designated level.  Point designation level = 70% – 79%

3. Ruby (Red) – maintained by students earning at least 70% average AND every class is above a 60% average.  Promotion to Pearl (Grey) requires student to have an end of week average of 80% with every class at or above 70%.  If any class dips below 70%, promotion will need to take place next week if requirements are met. Students earning below a 60% average for the week will drop to point designated level.  Point designation level = 60% – 69%

4. Amethyst (Lavender) – earned by students who have demonstrated consistent decrease in engagement.  Students on Amethyst (Lavender) levels will earn promotion to Ruby (Red) level after maintaining a weekly average of 70% with no class falling below 60% average.  Students may find themselves here when one of the following has happened:

a. Student was suspended out of school for more than one day

b. Student earned an average of less than 60% for any given week.

c. Student loses card, and it cannot be found.  Note:  Amethyst status will only be for the duration of the day; at the end of the day, the actual status will be re-determined, and student will have a penalty of reducing the daily average by 5%.

Card Privileges:

• Amethyst cards must remain under direct staff supervision at all times.

• Amethyst cards must remain in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch until dismissed directly to their classes and escorted by monitors on duty.

• Amethyst cards must be escorted at all times.  If student is requested by a staff member, the teacher needs to let that staff member know the student is on Amethyst card, and the staff member must arrange for the student to be escorted.

• Class dismissal is in order of card status:

o Tiger Eyes (Gold) first

o Pearl (Grey)

o Ruby (Red)

o Amethyst (Lavender) – teacher then escorts these students to either their class if on deck or to the end of the deck and then watches them as they travel directly to next class.

• Tiger Eye Cards may enjoy courtyard, classrooms (when teacher present) and media privileges during lunch and before school.  They are dismissed from cafeteria as soon as supervision is present. They may participate in all student leadership positions.  Finally, once a student achieves this level, he/she will stay on this level, even over breaks.

• Pearl (Gray) Cards – may enjoy the same privileges above, but must wait until after Tiger Eyes are released.  They may participate in all student leadership positions.

• Ruby (Red) – same privileges as above, except they do not have the leadership opportunitiesThey are released 5 minutes after Pearls.

• Amethyst Cards must remain in the cafeteria the entire time and will be dismissed directly to class.  Courtyards should be fairly clear for dismissal of Amethysts.


Procedures for School Day:

1. All students report to the cafeteria for breakfast AND lunch.  (During lunch, NO one is to hang in courtyards, even if they are not eating.  Special situations will require administrative approval if there is a supporting teacher).

2. Students will retrieve their cards in the morning during breakfast.

3. Students will carry their cards to every class.  At the beginning of every class, the card serves as the ticket in the door; teachers will stand at door and collect cards.

4. Students will bring their cards to lunch and be dismissed by card levels.  They must show their cards as they leave.

5. At the end of each period, the teacher will add points to cards, total the number of points for the class, and give to students when they dismiss, i.e., Tiger Eye cards at Gold card dismissal, Pearls when they are dismissed, etc.

6. Students losing cards must be held at door; deck IA or advisor will help student retrieve card.  If a new one must be made, it will be Lavender.

7. At the end of the day, teachers will give their cards to the Deck IAs, who will meet in the cafeteria to average the individual points, record student scores, create new cards for the next day, and report the deck points to Ms. Lonon, who will total with previous deck scores and post the next morning.  Cards for the next day will be left in the cafeteria; completed cards will be given to first period teachers.


CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES:  From the moment I arrive until 1:45, no cell phones or electronic devices are to be out or alive.  They need to be off and away all day.

Note:  If students bring these, we will not be responsible for tracking them down or investigating their disappearance.  In addition, they are subject to be confiscated when students are misusing them and when students are testing.


What does it meant to be ” On Track” for return to your zoned school?  Click here to find out.

Anti Bullying Resources:

Hero in the Hallway Video
JIEC Anti-Bully plan-student presentation