East Pasco Education Academy

35830 County Road 52
Dade City, Florida 33525
Phone Number:  (813) 794-5700
Fax Number:  (813) 794-5791
See us on Google Maps

Student Hours: 

Chance: 10:10 AM – 4:30 PM ; Cares: 10:10 AM – 4:05 PM


About East Pasco Education Academy
East Pasco Education Academy (EPEA) is a school designed to address students from the east side of Pasco County, who are off track academically and/or behaviorally.  Our sister school West Pasco Education Academy (WPEA) serves similar students on the western side of Pasco County. Our programs provide our students intensive training, opportunities, and supports to meet state requirements for promotion to high school or graduation.

At East Pasco Education Academy, we emphasize making the positive behavioral changes so students succeed in all classes. To do this, we offer grade level courses taught in small class settings with a focus on every student, every minute, every period, every day.  Staffed with a full time counselor and behavior specialist, we work to help students develop a positive attitude toward the school environment.  By promoting positive social skills, students productively engage with school staff and their peers.  In addition to our core academic program, we offer computer assisted remediation.

Students attending EPEA must abide by conditions for attending, which may include course/credit recovery agreement, expulsion conditions, manifestation hearing conditions, and attendance agreements.  Students who do not meet conditions of their placement may be referred to a different program, recommended for expulsion (those who were placed here in lieu of expulsion), or withdrawn for non-attendance (after they turn 16).

All students attending EPEA must come via school board transportation or dropped off by a parent or guardian.  No student is allowed to drive themselves to or from EPEA.  Click here to access the district Transportation departments webpage regarding bus routes and times

Our Mission: The EPEA family’s mission is to motivate our students to discover their small successes every day.

Our Vision: Our family at EPEA values, respects, and responds to students’ individual needs with the purpose of developing positive character traits. Our quality and dedicated staff provide a positive, supportive, safe, and nurturing environment to instill responsibility and respect for self and others. Our students will learn problem solving and conflict resolutions skills while exploring career choices to become effective contributors to the community.

Our focus is on:

Every Student, Every Minute, Every Period, Every Day
So that our students:  Believe, Achieve, and Succeed